As Chairperson of Doora Barefield LadiesFootball I am delighted to welcome you to our club. We believe football is for everyone and our mission is to encourage all ages to get involved. Our coaches, who all volunteer their time, are passionate about the promotion of the code and the impacts it has on both physical and mental health. Being involved in sport builds friendships and creates lifelong memories.

If you have an interest in football and wouldlike to try, come along and attend a training session, you would be most welcome.

We encourage parents to get involved, as with all volunteer run clubs there is always ‘a job’ to be done.

Doora Barefield LGFA is led by a strong committee who are always on hand to answer any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

In the words of Walt Disney ‘ The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing’

Theresa Roseingrave

About Us

Founded in late 2000 by Marion Keane, a womanwhose passion for football and determination saw the promotion of ladies football and representation at a Club level for Doora Barefield come to fruition. In 2002 an underage structure was put in place from U6 to Senior. One of the principal movers in the formation of ladies football was Marion Keane. Most of the players were new to football but enthusiastic to learn and eager to rise to the challenge. This newly formed team reached the final in their first year of existence and were victorious over Sixmilebridge (St. Josephs 5-5 to Sixmilebridge 1-1). County board chairman at the time Davy Brown presented the junior ‘B’ trophy to Marion Keane.

In 2004, two of the club’s players Eilish Hurley and our founder Marion Keane were battling illnesses off the pitch. Sadly both Eilish and Marion lost their fight that same summer.

The promise that was made that each and every player would continue to keep nurturing the seeds sown and create pathways for every young girl interested in playing football for the future.

Marion is today represented by our joint presidents Carmel & Dan Keane, Marion’s parents and by her sister Caroline, our current treasurer.

Marion’s legacy is honoured through an U12 Tournament named in her honour: ‘Marion Keane Tournament’  held each year in Gurteen. A hugely supported event by all clubs in the County.

We have teams representing ‘The Parish’ at every level from U8’s to Juniors.

Coaches & Officers

  • Vice Chair

  • Secretary

    Denise O’Brien

    087-621 2442

    [email protected]

  • Vice Secretary

    Maria O’Loughlin


  • Treasurer

  • Assistant Treasurer

  • Registrar

    Sinead Lahiff

    086 810 7456

  • Assistant Registrar

    Diane Hassett

  • Childrens Officer

    Sheila O’Rourke

  • Chairperson

    Theresa Roseingrave

    086 3538894

  • PRO

    Theresa Roseingrave


  • Assistant Children’s Officer

    Alexandra Potter


Lead Mentors

    • U6

    • U8

    Maurette Crowley


    • U10

    Sandra Flood


    • U12

    David Naughton


    • U14

    Marianne Casey


    • U16

    Caroline Keane


    • Junior

    Maria O’Loughlin

    • Minor

    Enda O’Flaherty


    • Senior

    Gerry Clarke